Key Control Management From the Cloud

Control, access, and configure the latest Knox products including the Knox KeySecure® 5 and 6 and KeyDefender™ with the KnoxConnect Management System anywhere from the cloud. KnoxConnect Management System is a cloud-based system that gives you greater control over Knox Key security along with providing audit trail reports of time-and date-stamped events such as authorized key access removal and returns.
Knox KnoxConnect Management System banner imageKnox KnoxConnect Management System banner image

KnoxConnect Management System

Cloud-Based Software for KeySecure 5 & 6 & KeyDefender

photo of Knox Management cloud system console

KnoxConnect Management System Features

icon of Knox users

Authorize & remove users in real time

icon of Knox user

Audit trail of Knox Key removal and return

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Logs events by time and date stamp

icon of security

Manage passwords and PIN codes

icon of Knox document

Create history report of events

icon of cloud update

Automatic firmware & software updates

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Manage your Knox devices

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Cloud-based for easy access via internet connection

KnoxConnect Benefits

  • Cloud-based software
  • Multiple layers of security encryption
  • Managed through the web anytime, anywhere
  • Efficiently manage all Knox electronic lock products in a single interface

KnoxConnect Applications

Administrators have the ability to manage key control tasks tailored to your department's needs.

  • Public safety (fire, police, security)
  • Commercial
  • Military
  • Campus
  • Utility companies
Knox KnoxConnect Management System products banner image
Thumbnail image for Knox eLock System video

Knox eLock System

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